About Husp
We were set up to meet the needs of contractors in a simple, clear and completely compliant way.
We offer a stress-free employment service for the benefit of UK freelancers, independent contractors and recruitment agencies.
Since our last gender pay report our headcount has remained broadly the same.
2022 Gender Pay Report
This report sets out the results of second pay gap analysis performed in line with legislation that came into force in April 2017. The report also provides additional analysis we have undertaken to better understand the causes of our gender pay gap, as well as the initiatives we are currently implementing to improve our position.
Our results for 2022
Gender pay and bonus gap
The table below shows the mean and median gender pay gap. The gender pay gap figures are based on hourly rates of pay at the snapshot date of 5th April 2022. No bonuses were paid to the period ended 5th April 2022 for male and female employees.
- Our mean gender pay gap is 5.5%. On average women are paid £1.01p an hour less than males.
- Our median gender pay gap is -1.4%. On average hourly pay women are paid 23p an hour more than men.
Gender mix
During the period ending 5th April 2022, 64% of the total employees were male vs 36% female.
Since our last report in 2021 the gender mix has remained the same.
Pay quartiles
The chart below illustrates the gender distribution across four equally sized quartiles.

Understanding our gender pay gap
The largest proportion of our workforce are men (making up 64%) and our data shows us that more men are within the upper middle and upper pay quartiles. This is because more men are currently working in more senior positions than women.
During the relevant period, there were no bonus paid to either male or female employees, hence resulting in no mean and median pay gap in relation to bonus.
Addressing our gender pay gap
Equal Pay
We are committed to equal opportunities and equal treatment for all employees, regardless of sex, race, religion or belief, age, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or disability. We have a clear policy of paying employees equally for the same or equivalent work, regardless of their sex (or anything else listed above).
- carry out regular pay audits;
- external salary benchmarking of job roles and pay grades to ensure fairness.
It is important to note that the gender pay gap is different to that of equal pay, namely the legal requirement to pay men and women the same for equal work, which is governed by the Equality Act.
Our Gender Pay Gap
Our gender pay gap is not because we pay men and women differently for the same or equivalent work but a gender pay gap exists because men and women work in different roles, where a higher proportion of men work in more senior positions.
As part of our strategy for FY22-23 we will look to understand why there is a discrepancy between men and women per pay quartile by collating evidence to understand:
- the number of men and women applying for senior jobs and being recruited;
- the number of men and women leaving our employment and their reasons for leaving;
- the number of men and women working flexibly and their level within our company;
- the number of men and women who return to their original job after maternity or other parental leave; and
- the number of men and women still working a year after they took maternity or other parental leave.
Closing our Gender Pay Gap
Our commitment over the next year is to;
Company Policies
- Continue to support home working or hybrid working for our employees
- Review our new manager guidelines on supporting employees before, during and after maternity and other parental leave.
- Review all our company policies to ensure best practice as well as meet legislative requirements
Employee Attraction and Retention
- Access to an employee benefits and wellbeing portal that attracts both men and women
We confirm that Husp Limited’s gender pay gap calculations have been calculated according to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Information Regulations 2017) and that the information in this statement is accurate.

Jay Gadher
Operations Director